Kemin, a Bronze Sponsor of the joint IPVS | ESPHM 2024

Published on 21-05-2024 - Written by Kemin Animal Nutrition and Health

At the joint IPVS | ESPHM 2024, we focus on prevention and management and therefore address alternative strategies to tackle a wide range of health issues encountered at various stages of pig production. This year we focus on colostrum management, antibiotic reduction and welfare.

Our work presented is tailored around vaccines and nutritional solutions such as the effective utilization of immunomodulators, and probiotics.

Interested to get all the insights yourself? On this page, we share all poster and oral presentations. 

Our scientific presentations with innovative insights

Poster presentations

Implementing effective immunomodulation strategies in sows are crucial for piglet health:

Implementing effective immunomodulation strategies promote finishing pigs performance and welfare:

Mycotoxin prevalence in breeding herds:

Probiotic supplementation into pig diets is a valuable approach to sustain optimal intestinal health in pigs:

Immunity against PRRS and SI through vaccination:

Oral presentation

  • Our expert speaker talks about minimizing antibiotic usage in grower and finishing pigs

Additional information

Interested in more information on our Intestinal Health Platform or Kemin Biologics? Visit our dedicated webpages!