Liquid application to tackle your current feed challenges

Continued challenging market conditions, exacerbated by today’s higher energy costs, are forcing many monogastric producers to look for additional ways to realize savings, thus safeguarding their business prosperity. One effective nutritional strategy to substantially cut costs while optimizing dietary efficiency and animal performance, is the use of a nutrient absorption enhancer.

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At the same time, feed mills are investing and modernizing to improve their production efficiency, reduce labor and waste, hence aiming to become a more sustainable business. Increasing automation of the manufacturing process, improves accuracy and homogeneity of production, while decreasing time and labor costs, and additionally offers sustainability benefits overall significantly lowering costs. In this context, the application of liquid solutions to enhance diet performance, through specified application systems, is gaining importance and interest.

Enhance nutrient digestibility and absorption at lesser feed costs

LYSOFORTE® EXTEND Liquid is a unique solution for livestock producers to enhance nutrient digestibility and absorption at lesser feed costs. It is provided with a fully automated, sophisticated application system, designed by Kemin’s application engineering team, the sBOX PRO, which can be integrated either directly into the oil line of your existing feed manufacturing line or into the oil batch tank. The ease of use, the stand-alone functionality, the compactness, the presence of a touch screen to monitor volume usage, and speed of pumping up, combined with more accurate dosing and distribution of a product throughout the feed, supports a maximum efficiency of feed production and optimal impact on animal performance. On top, the product being higher concentrated versus a dry product and its availability in IBCs, allows not only a reduced dose rate, adding substantial savings on application per ton of feed but also decreases labour, packaging waste and transport costs.

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Our partner Lukrom

Lukrom, a major producer of livestock feed in Czech Republic, has been a close partner of Kemin for many years. Having experienced the benefits of LYSOFORTE EXTEND Dry, applying the liquid version through the sBOX PRO, became the next logic step to leverage their production and business profitability.

Interested to discover what gain the use of LYSOFORTE EXTEND Liquid via Kemin’s BOX PRO Lukrom has brought? Watch Martin Coufalk, the Production Manager of Lukrom to learn more.

Switching to liquid application added various advantages for Martin, including reduced storage requirements, improved dosing accuracy and pellet quality, improved animal performance and reduced feed costs.



Contact us by filling in the form below to explore more about our sBOX PRO application service and LYSOFORTE EXTEND Liquid.