In terms of health solutions, Choline nutrition has received the highest focus due to its role in better liver function during transition phase management and early lactation. Arshad, (2020) performed a meta-analysis on supplementing rumen protected choline during the transition/early lactation period on performance and health of parous dairy cows. In this meta-analysis, twenty-one experiments from 1984 to 2018 were included. Improvement of 200 g dry matter intake prepartum and 500 g postpartum resulted into an increased 1.7 kg/day of energy corrected milk yield (P=0.001), improved milk fat and protein yield (P<0.001) and better feed efficiency (P=0.001) in dairy cows.
Kemin’s CholiPEARL™ comes with Micropearls® process which is unique due to its highest focus on process control, results in best suited encapsulation to achieve maximum rumen bypass & intestinally available source of Choline. The key advantages of micropearls process are as follows:
CholiPEARL with Micropearls® process helps boost the productivity of cows by improving the functioning of the liver. An improvement in dairy cow health directly increases nutrient use efficiency. A total of 5 feeding trials (Ardalan et al., 2010, Banadaky et al., 2007, ST-12-00002, EU Feeding Trial 1 & 2) on CholiPEARL supplementation resulted in an average of 8.5% improvement in milk production.
Interested in more information on the role of choline nutrition? Watch a recording of a recent webinar!
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