Research has established numerous benefits when formulating a diet for both metabolisable protein (MP) and limiting essential amino acids. When implementing rumen-protected amino acids, Methionine and Lysine, you will maximise dairy cow productivity, improve nitrogen efficiency, reduce dietary crude protein, improve milk quality, herd health and fertility. However, it is not only academic research proving these benefits as they can also be clearly seen in numerous field trials.
In one of our recent trials we evaluated the benefits of covering both Methionine and Lysine with rumen-protected KESSENT® M & LysiGEM™ within a commercial product at the same time reducing the overall crude protein content of the diet. The results were significant with improved milk production, protein yield, health and fertility in this typical commercial Holstein dairy herd.
Curious why a farm would start using rumen-protected Methionine and Lysine? Andrew Jones, Technical Sales Specialist for David Bardgett Ltd and FAR registered ruminant nutritionist, along with Mike Chown, Ruminant Manager for UFAC UK, explains.
With numerous years of experience, Mike Chown possesses a great deal of knowledge regarding the ruminant industry. He explains the industry is presently facing several key challenges. “At this moment, the most pressing challenge for our industry is the pressure on feed cost versus milk price, which is forcing us to look at alternatives. Another pressing challenge is the environmental pressure coming through. We are all looking at how we can have a sustainable industry”, says Mr Chown.
Implementing rumen-protected Methionine and Lysine in a diet has been shown to impact these two challenges positively. Therefore, UFAC decided to perform a trial balancing for amino acids. “The goal of this trial was to see if we could gain a return on investment by reducing crude protein in the diet with the reduction of soya and look to see what beneficial effects could be achieved on herd production, herd health and fertility. We saw an increase in milk yield, milk protein, and a definitive improvement in herd health and fertility. After seeing the results, the decision was made to use amino acids to reduce the carbon footprint on farm and to help our customers to increase margins and return on investment’ explains Mr Chown.
“Our partners are currently facing many challenges, especially in high yielding herds. Most farms are being pressured by processors to reduce soya usage and crude protein requirements. Lower crude protein diets can work, but the data shows that the cows are not having the longevity they need. The best way to correct this is by implementing rumen-protected amino acids”, explained Andrew Jones, Technical Sales Specialist for David Bardgett Ltd and FAR registered ruminant nutritionist.
Andrew has never worked with amino acids prior to the trial but is now convinced that here lies great potential. “Our cows are not able to produce the essential amino acids themselves, so precision nutrition and supplementing amino acids is the only way forward. Thanks to this trial, we have great data on the benefits regarding production, fertility and ROI, it is this data that will help our industry to move towards a new and improved way of working” says Mr Jones.
Interested in more detailed information on this trail? Download our technical documentation by clicking on the link below!
Mike Chown has summarised the main benefits for you in this short video.
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