A recent trial in a large 2000 cow dairy farm in the United Kingdom shows that balancing for amino acids results in multiple benefits. We implemented Methionine and Lysine to meet the dairy cows requirements which resulted in an improved ROI thanks to better productive performance, health and fertility.
The objective of this trial was to prove the effects of KESSENT® M and LysiGEM™ on milk performance, health, fertility and economical parameters, with a special interest in cows up to peak lactation (120 DIM) in a large commercial dairy herd.
In summary we saw the following results;
Interested in the detailed description of this trial and all the results? Download our technical documentation by clicking on the button below.
British Dairying interviewed Howell Richards and our Technical Sales Manager Robert Hamilton at Cwrt Malle farm in the UK following this feeding trial. During the interview Mr. Richards explains the impact of feeding rumen-protected amino acids on his commercial herd. ‘Amino acids are not additives; they are nutrients that can replace fishmeal and soya. Every day we are looking to be more efficient and for options to take out costs. We are now seeing feed costs coming down as we strip soya out of the rations” states Mr Richards.
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